2nd Aotearoa New Zealand Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction
Hui Taumata Tuarua o Aotearoa mō te Whakaiti Tūraru Aituā
2nd Aotearoa New Zealand Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction
Hui Taumata Tuarua o Aotearoa mō te Whakaiti Tūraru Aituā
EQC are postponing the 2nd Aotearoa NZ Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction ‘Managing Risk, Accelerating Resilience’, due to the ongoing uncertainty of the Omicron COVID-19 variant.
In the meantime, we will be working on some exciting initiatives that honour much of the Symposium’s programme and intended outcomes – more news to come on those soon!
Thank you again for supporting the Symposium to date and agreeing to present for us. We very much hope you will agree to join us again in the future.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact resilience@eqc.govt.nz
We remain excited about the Symposium and intend to hold this once the pandemic eases and there is more certainty in being able to hold the event safely.